Close Up Journey III by Paul A. Lelekis eBook DOWNLOAD



Tantalizing effects, with an introduction containing ideas, lines, and concepts for the close-up performer to utilize!

I Don’t Know How It Happens – A very clever Steve Beam effect!

Twisting the Jacks – Another of Paul’s favorites to perform! Vernon, Jennings, and Paul’s ideas are combined together into a beautiful Twisting routine, resulting in one beautiful piece of theater!

Ewww… Boogers! – Want to use that invisible thread for a fantastic routine with which you’ll NEVER “get caught”?! THIS IS IT! This will be your MOST MEMORABLE EFFECT!

Oral Production – A KILLER routine, easy to do, and one they will talk about… forever!

Your Lucky Card – Fantastic Carsaro effect!

Salt Shaker Classic – You know this classic… but with a phase by Paul that will COMPLETELY baffle the “retrograde analysts!”

Gestault – Another fun routine that is TOTALLY baffling! NO ONE will will figure this out! Learn a very clever ploy by Paul, and a sequence of sleights that you can use for many other tricks! TERRIFIC EFFECT!

BONUS! The Mathematical Card Trick – A self-working effect by Doc Daley that was a favorite trick to perform by John Scarne!

Download the eBook and start performing these stunners!